Batelco Challenge Week 1 & 2 Winners Announced

November 30, 2014

**Batelco’s Second SMS Challenge of 2014 with $155,500 Cash Prizes**

Batelco, Bahrain’s leading Telecommunications Company is delighted to announce the winners of Week 1 & 2 of its second SMS Challenge of 2014 which is delivering daily cash prizes. The Challenge began on October 13 and will run for 88 days until January 8, 2015.  Throughout the competition, there will be numerous opportunities for customers to win cash prizes from $500 up to $100,000 as part of the total prize fund of $155,500.

In total, there will be 63 daily winners of $500cash prizes, 24 weekly winners of $1,000 cash prizes (12 selected in a lucky draw and 12 prizes to the top participants) and one very lucky winner who will walk away with the grand prize of $100,000 at the end of the quiz challenge.

For week 1, the daily winners of $500 each are Ali Abdulnabi Jasim, Yahya Shunnar, George Thomas, Adel Ali Marhoon and Ruqayah Asad Ali. Jawad Mohammed was the top scorer of the week, winning $1,000 while the winner of the $1,000 weekly prize in the lucky draw was Yousif Al Hashimi. .

For Week 2, the daily winners of $500 each are Kollan Achary, Sudhahar Sundram, Vinoth Kumar, Tariq Mohamed Qasim and Anita Anil Bhagwan.  As well as winning a daily prize, Kollan Achary was also the top scorer of the week, winning $1000. The winner of the $1000 weekly prize in the lucky draw was Anita Anil Bhagwan, who was also a daily prize winner. Both Mrs. Bhagwan and Mr. Achary are off to a great start in this latest challenge.

Batelco’s customers can participate in the challenge by sending ‘B’ to 95555 to receive quiz questions and mobile content for every SMS sent. For each correct answer, the participants will earn 20 points, while incorrect or invalid answers will give them 10 points. The cost of participation is 490 fils per SMS for the content. Please visit for more information and winner announcements.